Save Time and Money with the Right Financial Data

Do you have any idea how much information hits you every day? Or the effect constant interruptions really have on your productivity? Email, texts, news sites notifications, never in human history have we had to process as much information as we do now, and more comes every minute. How do we process it all? How do we see it all? Or rather, how do we see only what we need to see?

Jonathan Spira is the CEO and Chief Analyst of Basex, a research firm focusing on issues companies face as they navigate the knowledge economy. In his book Overload! How Too Much Information Is Hazardous To Your Organization, published in 2011, Spira estimated that interruptions and information overload were eating up 28 billion wasted hours a year, at a loss of almost $1 trillion to the U.S. economy. I wonder what the estimate is at present, and what the projected growth on this loss is. Clearly, organizations and individuals need to get a handle on information inflows.

When I began my career in finance one of my biggest obstacles was lack of data. Slow, educated guesses were made based on historical data or a small amount of data gathered over a few months.

Today, everyone making financial decisions, which is a growing number of people, continue to experience problems with data. Information overload estimates prove they have more than they can handle, data is often scattered, not presented in a meaningful form or simply irrelevant. Time is spent filtering out the irrelevant, searching for what matters, and, yet, we are still making educated guesses or, worse, bad decisions.

How do you get the financial data you need? The stock network, waiting for the ticker to run through 100 stocks until you see the three you need? Perhaps you stare at a cluttered screen that has relevant and not so relevant information. Maybe an app pings you at end of day with the closing Apple stock price, instead of only when you need it to, say when Apple hits $250.

Dr. Adam Gazzaley, a neuroscientist, and Dr. Larry Rosen, a psychologist published a book titled The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World. Their research reveals that paying attention involves two activities: focusing on things that matter, which they call "enhancement", and ignoring the things that don't, which they call "suppression". These two activities are carried out by different networks of brain structures, both critical. As we age, our ability to "suppress" erodes and we are more easily distracted. In the world of increasing distractions, it becomes more and more important to remove distractions and ensure information overload is diminished.

Each of us has unique data needs that are often neglected by technology which is developed for large populations. This is apparent in the stock network and data screens, with one screen, fits all and scrolling updates which greatly draw on the ability to "suppress" the irrelevant. Further, organizations sit on mountains of data they cannot access, business opportunities are missed, and they fall behind.

We each need a smart assistant that will immediately detect only the data we need and notify us only when we need to see it.

That assistant is here. And it's called denoti. Derived from the Greek words for "detect"and "notify", denoti is a powerful software tool that will change how financial decisions are made. With denoti, you can gather, see and use data like you never have before. You get your needed real-time market information along with custom notifications. For financial executives we can pull in and display internal information, custom news feeds with machine learning, prediction, and analytics. Responsive screen views consolidate mission-critical information. All in one view.

How do you succeed in today's information world? By avoiding the irrelevant and enhancing the critical information. By being the one who knows the right stuff. By using denoti. It sounds easy but in today's world, knowing is just as difficult as it was when I first began my career.

Get denoti. Focus on the important stuff.

Author: Donna Tilden, CEO & Founder of RateSeer Technologies.


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